April 16, 2000 |
Here are confirmed dates for the short Demons & Wizards summer tour in Europe:
Date Town, Country Store
June 7, 2000 Krefeld, Germany Kulturfabrik (warm-up show)
June 9, 2000 Paratteln, Switzerland Z7 Festival (headliners)
June 10, 2000 Milan, Italy Gods of Metal Festival
June 17, 2000 Athens, Greece (location to follow)
June 23, 2000 Madrid, Spain La Riviera
June 24, 2000 Barcelona, Spain Zeleste
June 25, 2000 Bergara, Spain Jam
June 29, 2000 Paris, France Elysee Momatre
July 1, 2000 Balingen, Germany Bang Your Head Festival
March 17, 2000 |
Doctor Metal interviewed with Hansi Kursch and Jon Schaffer of Demons & Wizards. Interview with Jon and Hansi of Demons & Wizards (02/15/00) - 5 MB (Real Audio)
Köprüaltı Heavy Metal Dergisi yayınlanan Blind Guardian - Return Of The Elven Kings (1998) tanıtımı eklendi.
February 4, 2000 |
The Demons & Wizards album has been released throughout Europe, and is seeing great success thus far. The album entered the Greek charts at #1, the German charts at #13, and the Swedish charts at #35.
In the U.S., many have noticed two release dates for the album at online vendors. The first release, on February 8th, will be the standard jewel-case edition with 12 tracks. The version released on February 22nd will be the limited-edition pop-up digipak with one bonus track ("White Room"). The gatefold, 2 LP picture disc version will also be released on the 22nd, and will feature two bonus tracks, "White Room" and "The Whistler (alt. version)".
33 new photos added to Photos page.
New cover artworks of Tales From The Darkside and Nightfall In Rome added.
New Blind Guardian Winamp Skin added. Nightfall In Middle Earth - blindguardianskin.zip (121 Kb).
Click here to download (real audio) the leatest interview with Hansi Kürch.
Check discography for Demons & Wizards page for lyrics of Poor Mans Crusade and Fiddler On The Green and for back cover picture.
January 28, 2000 |
Yeni bir röportaj eklendi. Demons & Wizards: İlk Dinleyişte Aşk - Tercüme: Engin Deniz. Teşekkürler Engin.
Ankara Meeting'i yapıldı. Katılım düşük olmuş. Sanırım yeni bir meeting daha olacak :)
En sonunde ÜYELER LİSTESİ güncellendi. Aksaklıktan dolayı özür dileriz.
Return Of The Elven Kings'i almak isteyenler Ankara'daki üyeler Engin İlkiz'e başvurabilir. (TELEFON: 0312 425 68 49 - 0542 426 75 27)
January 10, 2000 |
VolverA sent me a new mp3 of Blind Guardian (Thanx Kemal). I think it is from orchestral project. It is enstrumental and the name of the song is Gandalf The Magician :-) Lord Of The Rings rulez! Download Blind Guardian - Gandalf The Magician.mp3 (3.13 MB).
January 6, 2000 |
The album is scheduled to be released throughout most of Europe on January 24th. The first edition is supposed to come in a unique digipak. And this is not definite yet, but it should appear in North America a couple weeks after that.
Jon and Hansi had a fun and very successful whirlwind trip through Europe on their promotional tour, and the response to the album thus far has been fantastic.
DEMONS & WIZARDS - Demons & Wizards / SPV
Oh my, oh my. John Schafer (guitarist of Iced Earth) and Hansi Kursch (vocalist of Blind Guardian) have created an almost perfect heavy metal album. The music is a mix of the two bands with most songs being more close to the Iced Earth style, while the vocal lines are clearly Blind Guardian. The majority of the songs are heavy, with the rhythm guitar of John playing a leading part with some amazing riffs, but you will also find a couple of more melodic songs. This album is the proof that when two geniuses combine their talents they can do miracles. The cover-art is a piece of art, the songs are catchy, heavy and melodic enough, the production is crystal clear (but also heavy) and the album is probably the best metal album of the year. A buy or die album for all classic metal and power metal fans around the globe.
(taken from http://www.tombstone.gr/)
Read the latest interview with Hansi ve Jon about Demons & Wizards.
Demons & Wizards samples:
Heaven Denies (excerpt) (1.22MB)
Fiddler On The Green (excerpt) (1.02MB)
Tear Down the Wall (excerpt) (1.30MB)
November 6, 1999 |
Interview with Hansi Kursch and Jon Schaffer about Demons & Wizards
Blind Guardian Interview About LOTR Movie [09.10.1999]
Circle Of Turkish Bards:
4. Fanclub toplantısını 3 Kasım Çarşamba yaptık. 11 Kasım Perşembe Saat 17:00'da 5. Fanclub Toplantası yapılacak. Akmar önünde görüşmek üzere...
4. Fanclub toplantısında Geçit Cafe'ye gidilerek fanzine ve diğer konuların hakkında konuşuldu. Fanzine için yazılarınızı bekliyoruz. Bu arada
Blind Guardian'ın tüm EP'lerinin bulunduğu CD Ankara'dan en sonunda geldi :) Engin'den aldığım bilgilere göre ay sonunda Ankara'da MEETING olacak.
Siteyi takip etmeye devam edin.
 Demons & Wizards pre-cover.
Search Engine added :-))
October 23, 1999 |
3 Kasım Çarşamba Saat 17:00'da AKMAR PASAJI girişinde 4. Fanclub toplantısı yapılacak herkesi bekliyoruz.
RETURN OF THE ELVEN KINGS (2CD) bootlegi çoğaltıldı. 5.500.000 TL
RETURN OF THE ELVEN KINGS (2CD) + LIVE IN JAPAN 1995 (1CD) 7.500.000 TL ayrıntılı bilgi için vedat@mail.com.
October 16, 1999 |
Hansi did back vocals in Grave Digger's new album Excalibur.
You can find more photos and information in Official Grave Digger Homepage.
October 10, 1999 |
Links page updated.
A new link added to Tolkien Page.
September 30, 1999 |
Download Blind Guardian Artwork.
Circle Of Turkish Bards page updated. (Turkish)
Circle Of Turkish Bards Interview Section added. (Turkish)
Circle Of Turkish Bards Members Page updated. (Turkish)
September 22, 1999 |
Circle Of Turkish Bards - Blind Guardian Fanclub - MEETING
3. Fanclub Görüşmesini 27 EYLÜL Pazartesi Saat: 13:00'da Atatürk Kültür Merkezi önünde yapıyoruz. Tüm Blind Guardian fanlarını bekleriz. Bu arada LIVE IN JAPAN 1995 konser albümünü 3 Milyona o gün temin edebilirsiniz. Pazartesi görüşmek üzere.
Discography page updated :) Bootleg Rarities Vol I, Bootleg Rarities Vol II and Harvest Of Acoustics added. Don't forget to check Nemo's Blind Guardian Bootlegs Page.
Two tabs added to Tablature Page (Welcome To Dying & Banish From Sanctuary).
The correct lyrics of The Forgotten Tales added.
September 15, 1999 |
Recording of Demons & Wizards was completed in 29 August, and everything went very well. A record label is still being decided upon, so at this point it is difficult to estimate a possible release date, but sometime in early 2000 would probably be a safe guess. You can get more information from http://www.icedearth.com/dw.
The album, which is still untitled, was recorded during July and August of 1999 at Morrisound Studios. It will feature ten songs, plus an intro and outro, for a total running time of 45 - 50 minutes. Some of the tenative track names are:
Heaven Denies, Poor Man's Crusade, Fiddler on the Green, Tyrant, The Whistler, Tear Down the Wall, Gallows Pole, My Last Sunrise and Path of Glory.
Line up:
Jon Schaffer: Rhythm guitar, Bass
Hansi Kürsch: Vocals
Jim Morris: Lead guitar
Mark Prator: Drums
Demons & Wizards is a new project featuring Jon Schaffer of Iced Earth and Hansi Kürsch of Blind Guardian. Combining the heavy crunch and dark melodies of Iced Earth with the powerful vocals and bombastic choirs of Blind Guardian, Demons & Wizards sounds just like a combination of those two excellent bands, and at the same time, creates something entirely unique.
Jon and Hansi have been both friends and fans of each other's work for many years, and have long wanted to create some music with each other. They've finally managed to squeeze some time out of their busy schedules with their own bands to create a whole album together. These pages will keep you updated on the progress of the release, so check back every once in a while to find out about any new developments.
Guardians Of The Blind added to Links page.
Woodland Rock bootleg added to Discography Page.
Circle Of Turkish Bards page updated.
If you want to help us to buy www.blind-guardian.net domain name please click here to visit our banner page.
Circle Of Turkish Bards Members Page updated.
September 5, 1999 |
Bootlegs covers and informations added to Discography Page.
I received Live In Japan 1995 bootleg from Denmark :-) Thanx John.
I have corrected some errors in some pages. If you find dead links and problems please mail me.
Circle Of Turkish Bards page updated.
August 26, 1999 |
54 photos added to Photos Page.
Blind Guardian - IFTOS Skin v1.0 by Valery ROMANOV added
to Winamp Skins Page. Download now.
Bling Guardian Skin by Carl QUIRION added to Media - Winamp Skins Page. Download now.
To France 30 Kb midi file added to Media Page.
August 23, 1999 |
Iced Earth fanclub kuruluyor. Fanclubun kurulmasına katkıda bulunmak için
icedturks@hotmail.com ve
http://www.iced-turks.8m.com adreslerini kullanabilirsiniz.
Bunun dışında ABD ve Almanya ile irtibata geçildi.
Türkiyede ciddi olarak kurulma çalışmaları süren ICED EARTH
Fan Club destek ve yardımlarınızı bekliyor!
August 20, 1999 |
If you want to help us to buy www.blind-guardian.net
domain name please click here to visit our banner page.
Circle Of Turkish Bards Members Page updated.
August 19, 1999 |
EARTHQUAKE: I came home 3 days early from Bulgaria because of the earthquake (7.4) in
Marmara Region (Istanbul, Izmit, Sakarya, Bolu, Bursa, Eskisehir). The
earthquake was happened 17 August at 3:02 AM. I live in Avcilar/Istanbul.
And the biggest the damage in Istanbul happened in Avcilar. In Izmit and
Sakarya %90 of buildings damaged. Thousands of people are under the ruins. Up to
now 6 thousand people died. You can learn more information from CNN. And i
think Turkish Bards.
August 10, 1999 |
Circle Of Turkish Bards Members Page updated.
I solved the problem with XOOM. http://members.xoom.com/bgpage is working now. :)
August 9, 1999 |
Circle Of Turkish Bards page updated.
August 5, 1999 |
Check Circle Of Turkish Bards page for news about Fanzine and Fanclub Cart.
News page for Circle Of Turkish Bards added. You can find only this months news on Main Page. So look Haberler for July news.
Midi of Black Chamber 10 Kb added.
Midi of A Past and Future Secret 26 Kb added.
If you have any suggestions and ideas please send them via Quick E-mail.
August 4, 1999 |
Click here to vote for BLIND GUARDIAN for Lord Of The Rings Movie. Or you can go to http://www.tolkien-movies.com/ and enter VOTING BOTH and VOTE for "BLIND GUARDIAN" for MAKING THE MOVIE'S SOUNDTRACK.
August 3, 1999 |
Vote Page is online now :) Click here to vote for favourite Blind Guardian song.
August 2, 1999 |
RA of Don't Talk To Strangers 552 Kb (new)
Get your free web-based e-mail for life. Click here to get your yourname@blind-guardian.zzn.com mail!
Yesterday there was Circle Of Turkish Bards II. Meeting. Information about meeting is coming soon.
Yolgezer's Blind Guardian Page entered its second year today. Yolgezer's Blind Guardian Page is online since 01/08/98.
July 27, 1999 |
Some short urls that forwards to http://members.xoom.com/bgpage
Resmi fanclubun cikardigi Ekim 1997 tarihli fanzine'i buldum. Denis'e tesekurler. Yalniz fanzine Almanca.
July 26, 1999 |
II. Fanclub Meeting - 1 Agustos Pazar Saat: 13:00'da tüm Blind Guardian FANLARINI Atatürk Kültür Merkezi (Taksim) önünde FANZINE ve diger konulari görüsmek üzere bekliyoruz.
Jon Schaffer and Hansi Kürsch started to record Demons & Wizards album on 24th July in Florida.
July 23, 1999 |
You know that Yolgezer's Blind Guardian Page was using www.blind-guardian.net as a forward address for http://members.xoom.com/bgpage. And now this domain is closed :(( But www.blindguardian.net is still forwarding to http://members.xoom.com/bgpage. :)) And click to see our short urls.
Circle Of Turkish Bards' Members Page updated!
July 22, 1999 |
Circle Of Turkish Bards' IRC Channel #tavern.tr is opened on irc.othernet.org server.
Circle Of Turkish Bards Page updated!
July 18, 1999 |
Circle Of Turkish Bards' Members Page is online now! Members check informations please and let me know if there is any mistake.
July 17, 1999 |
Circle Of Turkish Bards page updated!
Dio Tribute released on 12nd July. As you know Blind Guardian recorded "Don't Talk To Strangers" for this album.
Nigthfall (Orchestral Version) 5.1 Mb
A Dark Passage (Instrumental Version) 5.5 Mb
Nightfall (Acoustic Live) 4.9 Mb
July 14, 1999 |
André and Marcus were on Rock Hard chatroom on 13nd July. It was a funny chat :) At least i like the
English parts. Most of the chat was in German. Some important answers. Blind Guardian is working on new
on their own studio. After finishing album they plan a tour which suppose to visit Turkey. They haven't
obtain an offer to make a soundtrack for movie of Lord Of The Rings yet. André says:
"I would do everything to compose some music for the film, but i guess they don't like metal bands, like always...".
Hansi Kürch is working with Jon Schaffer (Iced Earth) on "Demans And Wizards" project. The album will be out at the
end of summer. André's favourite 5 BG Songs are "Into The Storm", "Mordred's Song", "And The Story Ends", "Blood Tears" ve "Lost In The Twilight Hall".
They think to release a new live album after the new album but Marcus thinks it is early for a new liva album. He doesn't want to play
the same songs again. And video :) André just said: "We'll see". Marcus started to play guitar when he was 11 years old. And he was born in 08/09/68 and André was born in 03/05/66.
July 12, 1999 |
New photos added.
Links page updated.
July 11, 1999 |
Lots of news from Circle Of Turkish Bards.
Nigthfall (Acoustic Live) 4.9 Mb
July 07, 1999 |
Click here to see our 1st Fanclub Meeting Page.
Click here to join our Blind Guardian Fanclub Circle Of Turkish Bards.
June 26, 1999 |
Sebek Heavy Metal Dergisi'nin Asilopedi bölümünden alinan Blind Guardian tarihcesi.
Our new page for translated lyrics of BG in Turkish is ready :) Check Sarki Sözleri page. (En sonunda Turkce olarak Blind Guardian sarki sozlerini sayfamizda bulabilirsiniz. Arsivimizin gelismesi icin katkilariniz bekliyoruz)
Mp3 of Hallelujah 1.49 Mb (Deep Purple cover) added. Check MEDIA page.
June 24, 1999 |
Links page updated! Czech Bards' Guild Page (www.blind-guardian.cz)
Mp3 of Beyond The Realms Of Death 1.61 Mb (Judas Priest cover) added. Check MEDIA page.
June 22, 1999 |
Fanclub Meeting
4 Temmuz Pazar
Saat: 13:00
Atatürk Kültür Merkezi önünde
Tel: (0216) 345 55 36 (Fasih)
[ bilgi icin tiklayiniz / click for more information ]
June 19, 1999 |
Hansi is in America this week working with Jon on the Demons and Wizards project.
New photos added.
New wallpaper added.
May 29, 1999 |
SPEED METAL (http://www.egroups.com/list/speedmetal) is a new mailing list about tablatures.
You can find tablatures of Blind Guardian, Rage ...
You can join the list by sending e-mail to speedmetal-subscribe@egroups.com.
If you are really interested in that emailing list you can contact with Alberto Damora (mleadc00@estudiantes.unileon.es) and juha-matti.kallinen@koti.tpo.fi.
If you sent e-mail in 2nd May to 17th May you may know that i had a problem with my e-mail server so i could not receive any e-mail. Please send them again. E-mail: vedat@mail.com
May 16, 1999 |
Hansi's hearing problems are almost gone. There will be no new EP this
year. Instead the band is working on their next album, which should be
finished before the year 2001. It won't be a concept album. Hansi's project
with Jon Schaffer (Iced Earth) is doing well. They will meet in summer to continue their
work on it.
A Blind Guardian Newsgroup is about to come.
I'm Andreas Kalchschmid
and I don't think that you know me. Nevermind, some time ago (or some month
:-) I sent emails to all members of the Ring of the Bards how they think
about a BG-Newsgroup. As there were many replies I started to learn how
to create a new newsgroup (it's more difficuilt than you think). To create
an alt.* nesgroup is not hard, but when you want to create a "real" nesgroup
that can be read by all users is difficuilt. But at least now there is
a RDF (Request for Discussion) at news.groups. I hope some of you will
look there. After about 21 days there will be a CFV (Call for Votes). Then
we need at least 100 more yes-votes than no-votes that the group will be
built. But I will sent another mail by time. Please also write something
on you homepage and tell your friends. If you have any further questions
just write me!
Andreas (blackchamber@mordor.ch)
Lots of tabs added. Check tabs page.
May 1, 1999 |
Doctor Metal interviews with Hansi. In this interview, Hansi appears live by telephone on the Metal Meltdown Radio Show, and actually starts off by fielding a couple of phone calls from around the world. He talks about his project with Jon Schaffer, his current hearing problems, the next Blind Guardian projects, and many other things. This is a Metal Meltdown exclusive, so enjoy it. The interview is in the RealAudio format. Download interview now! Hansi Kursch and Dr. Metal (4/23/99)- 3.6 MB.
WE HAVE A MIRROR :) http://www.truemetal.org/bgpage
New photos from old official fanclub meeting added. Check photos page.
You can send your ideas via Quick E-Mail without using any email accound :)
April 25, 1999 |
New wallpaper added. Click to download.
New interview Blind Guardian: No Way Out from Reality [1998] added.
Links page updated!
April 23, 1999 |
Lot's of REVIEWS added :)
Interview with André by Ales Komarek [Czech Republic - 27.06.1998]
Nightfall in Middle Earth Concept: Maglor's Story added.
Blind Guardian recorded a new cover Dio - Don't Talk To Strangers. Check Media Page.
Some news from official page. First of all the proposed EP has been cancelled. This is because right before the first recordings for the EP were scheduled to happen Hansi experienced some serious troubles with his hearing. The doctors have assured Hansi that after his prescribed treatments and some rest time his hearing will be back to normal. The songs that were supposed to go on this EP will be held over for the next full length BG release which the band is already working on.
In addition to the bad news about the EP there is also some bad news concerning BG tours. BG has cancelled all their touring through the end of 1999. This means no Scandinavian tour, no festival in Madrid at the end of May, and no Summermania II festival in Germany! The band was sorry to have to do this but rushing Hansi into a live situation can only make his hearing problems worse and endanger the future of the BG!
Don't forget to check BAND page.
Check lyrics page for Don't Talk To Strangers lyrics.
We received Graveland Award Check awards page.
New Bard's Song tabs added. Check tablatures page
I'm going to add lots of thinks espacially about Circle Of Turkish Bards wait for updates :-) Summer is coming again.
April 18, 1999 |
First good news:
Check all pages! :) There are lots of changes .. Especially MEDIA PAGE and DISCOGRAPHY PAGE.
New photos added ... Photos Page
And bad news:
Mostly bad news this time around. Let me cut right to the chase:
As most of you probably have noticed there have been some problems on
the web page. The counter reset itself and the discussion forum
thingy no longer works. This is because porter (the machine that the
web page resides on) had some problems 2-3 weeks ago and things got
royally fucked up. And then I had some trouble with my machine at
home and that is why nothing has been done about the web page troubles
yet. This seems like a good excuse to get everything moved over to
the new server. Now if Pedro and I just had some free time.
About 1-2 weeks ago Hansi came down with a "Hoerstotz", I think that
is how you spell the German word *chuckle*, that caused him to lose
most of his hearing power in one side. In addition to this he had to
fight with Tinitus which left him a loud ringing noise in the same
To cure these things Hansi is now undergoing treatment in Krefeld.
The treatment is the same a divers undergo when they have "the
bends". He has to sit in a big tank and be "lowered: to various
pressures. This sequence of treatments will be done in two more weeks
and then the doctors say that 85-90% of his hearing will be back and
the rest should come back naturally.
Hansi attributes all of this to stress and not to loud music since he
wears a hearing protection system while on stage. He has faith that
everything will be back to normal after these treatments.
THE "NEW" EP: Sound engineer Charlie Bauerfeind was scheduled to come down to
Krefeld right before Hansi had his ear problems. Therefore the band
has put the recording of the EP on indefinite hold right now. This
doesn't mean that it is cancelled though. It could go through the way
it was originally planned (although a bit late) or the "new" songs
could end up as b-side material for the next full release. The band
doesn't want to linger on this old material since they would like to
start working harder on new stuff.
TOURING (OR LACK THEREOF): Basically all "planned" touring activities have been cancelled. BG
was supposed to headline a festival on May 22nd in Madrid, Spain; that
is now cancelled. And also an almost fully confirmed Scandinavian
tour is cancelled. I have no word on anything else in the later
summer. There is a possibility for 1-2 small festivals here in
So that is all the stuff that I have for now. Sorry to be the bringer
of bad news but there have been many rumors running around and I wanted
to clear some things up. (Jason Breitweg)
February 04, 1999 |
Dont forget to check SITEMAP! You going to like it :)
Valhalla (2)- MIDI format - 112 Kb added.
New photos added.
Links of photos added to media page.
Circle Of Turkish Bards page updated.
January 23, 1999 |
Well, I have some new information about the forcecoming EP "Harvest
Of Sorrow", which is said to be released at the end of February or unfortunately
a little later:
The four songs will - propably - be:
- Harvest Of Sorrow: A fantastic ballad (already played live
in Brazil)
- Of Elves And Dwarves: A mid-speed song
- Túrin Turambar: A speed number - is said to be the
best song
- The Eldar: from "Nightfall..." - maybe even another new song
instead (hopefully)
I got this information via BG mailing list and I cannot say if they
are true or not... well, we'll see!
New photos added to Photos page.
Our new mailing list opened. Join now!
New Blind Guardian page added to Links page.
VQF file of Nightfall added to Media page.
December 2, 1998 |
So the word from on high (direct from Hansi) is that he and Jon Schaffer from Iced Earth will be getting together in mid-January to work on their project tentatively entitled Demons & Wizards. Hansi hopes that the whole thing can be finished by the end of June in time for an end of 1999 release.
Now on to word about the forthcoming EP. The working title has been changed from The Eldar to Harvest of Sorrow. The title song, "Harvest of Sorrow", has already made its live debut in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. Titles for the other songs are not yet set in stone. The remaining work consists of vocals, some lead guitar parts and the mixing. This work, which the band will start in mid-February, should be finished in 3 weeks in time for a Spring release.
In other recording news during the second week of December BG will be recording the Black Sabbath song "Die Young" for the upcoming Rock Hard Magazine tribute to Ronnie James Dio. Some other bands taking part in this will be Iron Savior, Gamma Ray, and Stratovarius. We have no information yet as to the release date of this tribute CD.
Finally Hansi mentioned that the band might try and play some of the big festivals this year such as Dynamo or even Rock am Ring. Only time will tell.
December 1, 1998 |
I always forget to update news page. But this time i didn't :)
New Photos added. (04/11/98)
Chatroom added.
Lyrics analysis of Nightfall In Middle-Earth.
New tabs added to TABS page.
Reviews page updated.
History of Blind Guardian by Pedro Andrade.
History of Blind Guardian by Stefan Woehner.
Nightfall Theme is added.
New videos are added.
Turkish BG Chat Channel #tavern.tr opened on othernet.org.
Circle Of Turkish Bards started to work on BG fanzine.
I added logo.sys of Somewhere Far Beyond.
Lots of Links added.
New photos added.
A new Interview with Hansi is added.
Guestbook added.
Discussion Form added.
A page for other webrings is added.
August 20, 1998 |
Word from Brazil is that Hansi has fallen ill and needed to be taken to a hospital. Apparently he got food poisoning since his sensitive German stomach couldn't handle that spicey Brazilian food. But in all seriousness we wish him the best and hope that he feels better soon. We have no word yet on when the last two concerts in Brazil will take place.
August 11, 1998 |
The Wacken Open Air 98 edition, where Blind Guardian played on the second day was amazing and Blind Guardian show was probably one of the best, and probably the one with the biggest audience! Check soon for a review of this show.
July 2, 1998 |
According to Hansi's interview in Metal Meltdown Online,
the EP will tell the story of Turin Turambar from The Silmarillion. And some songs were written by Marcus. |